Clients I've Helped...

  • Hvds logo.
  • Your lead machine logo.
  • Nhs logo.
  • Creative wisdom logo.
  • The boardroom network logo.
  • Puckator logo.
  • Virtual finance director logo.
  • DDC logo.
  • Communications advisory service logo.
  • V 12 footwear logo.
  • Conquip logo.
  • Kingfisher packaging logo.
  • T mobile logo.
  • Toffeln logo.
  • Armorgard logo.

Customer testimonials

  • I needed a top goal scorer who could lead and show my team on how to close business just like putting the ball in the net. Mentoring, front line tuition and facilitator to high level closing of opportunities was the brief. A game of golf put me alongside Frank Marsh and I immediately knew he was the person for my team. In the time he has been with DDC FPO he has re-written the way we do business, he is well respected by the team and clients and yes we are winning business.

    Richard Greening CIO DDC Global